Parent as Coach is:
- 8 weeks
- 2 hour classes online/week
- 1 - 60 minute, 1:1 coaching session with me
- 1, 20 minute check-in call during the course
As part of your Parent as Coach package, you’ll also receive a free video to watch about how to step into rest + resilience designed especially for busy (really busy!) parents.
Plan for 2 - 3 hours of reading, listening and homework per week. Homework for the week ahead is released after class and due to be posted on the platform before the next class.
Final project | Your authentic, aligned roadmap for parenting
Our classes will be recorded, but not downloadable. You will have access to the recordings for 3 months after the course’s final class. If you miss a class you’ll be able to catch up by watching the recording.
Parent as Coach is designed for you to understand yourself in the role of parent at a deeper level. In all of our processes, tools and teaching, you’ll be applying the learning to you first, so you can model it authentically to your kids
What this coaching course is/isn’t: I am not a psychologist/child psychologist. I don’t know enough about trauma or conditions like ADHD or OCD to teach about them. I am an expert in coaching - that means holding space for inquiry, understanding emotional intelligence, how to create trust and how to build strong foundations for relationships through using values and intention. In this course I am working with you, the parent or caregiver, not your child. A coach approach to parenting is a long-term set of strategies, not a quick fix.
Parent as Coach
Week 1 | Introductions
- Introductions + group agreements
- Purpose of course
- What is a coach approach for parents?
- Coach skills
Week 2 | Growth Mindset + Values
- Growth + Coaching Mindset = powerful parenting
- Parenting Values
Week 3 | Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence - what is it?
- Permission to Feel, RULER and the Mood Meter
- Emotional Contagion
Week 4 | Review of Fundamentals
- Fundamentals review
- Reticular Activation System - the power of our attention
Week 5 | Cognitive Distortions
- Cognitive Distortions/Stinkin’ Thinkin'
Week 6 | Parenting Road Map
- Family Charter
Week 7 | Learning Lab
- Case Studies + Review
Week 8 | Presentations + Close